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Hyundai Nexo

Hyundai jumped onto HFC bandwagon, with its Nexo. The car also has Level 4 autonomous driving capability, and 600 km range on a full tank.

Important point to stress: hydrogen stations are needed for fueling cars, but stations (as well as homes actually) can generate hydrogen themselves.

Hyundai hedged its bets, they make both battery and HFC based products.

Other news items:

2017, a green energy company Plug Power announced that Amazon [..] had gained the rights to buy up to 23 percent of the firm, in a deal that has Amazon spending $70 million in cash for fuel cells [...]. Plug Power's system [.. replaces] battery charging with proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cells and hydrogen systems designed to make forklift operation more efficient.

A 2012 video talking about PEM, which requires platinum (expensive), however recent developments drastically reduced the use of platinum. Daimler’s new fuel-cell model, the Mercedes GLC F-Cell, already uses 90 percent less platinum than its previous fuel cell model, the B-Class F-Cell, [similarly for] Toyota, their Mirai is the world’s best-selling fuel-cell car.

Toyota bet big on HFC. They released all their related patents for everyone to use some time ago (2015).