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Clean Fuels are the Solution

The world reached its current predicament due to the use of [bad] technology. Between 1751-2014 tons of carbon was emitted into the atmosphere, and the causation relation between that and the global warming is clear to see. 70% of the carbon emitted during this 200+ year period was by US, China, Russia, UK, Japan, Germany, France, and Canada.

What to do about it? Without sacrificing our current modern way of life, there are but a few options. If our cars do not run on polluting fuels, what do they run on? Lithium based batteries cannot be a solution, world lithium reserves are limited. Carbon markets that allow one to trade, "offset" carbon are too open for cheating. Need I mention the biggest emission scandal of all time had a well-known automaker, Volkswagen as its offender, where they tried to fool carbon emission detection. The best way to stop cheating is not to give automakers any chance to cheat.

We can fix this problem at the source. If we effectively control, regulate the production of a clean fuels, all the way down the chain the energy use will be clean. The only element that can serve as clean storage, clean fuel (produced in one place, and can be shipped elsewhere) is hydrogen. H2 can be stored in many medium; gas, liquid, in ammonia, even through various catalytic mechanisms in metallic form.

Saudi Arabia, UAE already made shipments of ammonia to Japan. Italy has successfully tested existing NG pipelines to be used as H2 carriers; they can bring North African H2 gas produced cleanly into Europe. Airbus is the process of converting their airplanes to use H2 fuels. Right tech can save us. No other energy form has such diverse applications, that range from the big to the small. There will be total cost of ownership (TCO) benefits for using the right tech widely, in all parts of the chain.

Note I used the word clean instead of green; no matter how H2 is produced, whether from natgas with CCS, or (green) solar panels and electrolysis, once we have the clean fuel we can be sure there is no leakage, no pollution in that chain. The source can be regulated, or incentived easily to produce clean fuel in a clean way.

The Transition

It is essential that H2 infrastructure is built. This infrastructure is needed no matter what, whereever the H2 comes from. I suggest a parallel track where we are generating H2 by any means necessary that will encourage the build up such infrastructure, at the same time, pushing for the production of hydrogen to be green. By shifting the infra to be clean fuel based, at least we are stopping potential pollution due to leaks. And once the production itself is green, the whole chain becomes automatically green.
