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Carbon Nanotubes


Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) can be utilized for hydrogen storage as they are cost-effective, environmentally acceptable, and exhibit excellent performance in adsorption and desorption processes...

The development of high hydrogen storage capabilities in carbon nanomaterials such as graphene oxide and CNTs has increased the focus on H2 storage in solid materials. Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are excellent H2 storage materials because of their large surface area and small mass concentration. Adsorption and desorption are two very effective methods for storing hydrogen in carbon-containing solids...

The approach of aerosol-assisted CVD (AACVD) was used to generate multi-walled Purified multi-walled carbon nanotubes were used in this study to significantly enhance hydrogen storage capabilities..

The 15% pure carbon nanotube specimen had the highest specific surface area, which was nearly ten times greater than the other materials. According to Raman tests and TEM examinations, the purified MWCNTs contain minimal flaws and a crystalline structure in the graphene sheets.

Results also indicated that pure MWCNTs have outstanding hydrogen adsorption properties since they can adsorb more H2 molecules than un-purified carbon nanotubes with a perfect hexagonal lattice. The synthesis circumstances also influence the shape and storage capacity of CNTs and the purification method utilized.


Researchers design 3D carbon-based nanotube matrix that can store and release hydrogen extremely efficiently.. Researchers in Germany have designed a 3D carbon-based nanotube matrix that can store and release hydrogen..

[Researchers at] Technical University of Dresden have now used a computer-based approach to design a 3D carbon nanotube structure that can store more hydrogen at room temperature than any other carbon-based material. ’This is a top down approach from advanced mathematics, to geometry, to computer modelling, to chemical properties,’ Leoni says. The resulting material would be lightweight, cheap to make and non-toxic, say the researchers, meaning it would be suitable for large scale production...

The US Department of Energy’s target for hydrogen storage materials by 2015 is 6wt% - six per cent of the combined weight of the material after gas adsorption should be stored hydrogen. Leoni’s new nanotube material has a total hydrogen uptake of 5.5wt% at room temperature which suggests it could be an ideal candidate..

Inspired by natural sponges, the team designed a computer model that placed carbon nanotubes in the hole positions of a theoretical sponge network. ’Putting cylinders next to each other is a way of packing them. But there is another way - to put them so they cross over each other, like the holes in a sponge. Using modelling we found how many arrangements the nanotubes could be arranged in to fit this criteria,’ Leoni tells Chemistry World.

The carbon nanotubes were arranged in parallel, but with none of them intersecting. Each nanotube is in contact with others, but not all the way along the edge of the nanotube. After hydrogen adsorption simulations, the team found that these structures adsorbed a significant amount of hydrogen.
