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The Big Bang


The findings of JWST provided incontrovertible proof against the Big Bang theory.

Michio Kaku: "The James Webb Telescope is upsetting the apple cart. All of a sudden we realize that we may have to rewrite all of the textbooks about the beginning of the universe. It takes many billions of years to create a galaxy like the Milky Way galaxy with a hundred billion stars many billions of years old, but the James Webb Telescope has identified six galaxies that exist half a billion years after the big bang that are up to 10 times bigger than the Milky Way galaxy. That shouldn't have happened. There should not be primordial galaxies that are bigger than the Milky Way galaxy that are only half a billion years old. Something is wrong, we may have to revise our theory of the creation of the universe"

The Herouni Antenna, CMB


The first in the World Radio-Optical Telescope ROT-54/2.6 was designed and built during 1975-1985 by Radiophysics Research Institute (RRI, Yerevan, Armenia) on territory of RRI Aragats Scientific Centre (ASC, 100 ha) on Mount Aragats (Armenia) at altitude 1700m...

[An] important question is what means so low Self Noises (2,6 K or 2,8 K). According to the theory of the Big Bang in Universe it must have been Relict radiation of 2,7 K. If it is right, then our measured noises near Zenith had to be 2,6+2,7=5,3K. But they are absent. It is also impossible that our 2,6 K is 2,7 K of Relict. Because it will be only in case, if our Antenna is ideal and its Self Noises are equal 0 K. But it is impossible on Earth. So there is only one explanation, that Relict radiation is absent in Universe, and.. there never was any Big Bang in Universe.


The main purpose of this article is to concentrate on.. the very low level of Self Noises of ROT Antenna...

This very low level of our measured self noises of ROT Antenna rises the query to well known cosmogonic theory of “Big Bang”. According to this theory it has to be in Universe the uniform relict background having level of about 3K (2.7K) in waverange 8mm. This was confirmed experimentally by A.Pensias and R.Wiliams (USA) who in 1965 had measured the self noises of hom antenna and received 6K. As theoretically it is considered that self noises of hom antenna have to be about 3K, it was decided that the rest 3K is relict background (for what they even were awarded the Nobel Prize in 1978).

But the presented above result of our measurements shows that either this 2.8K is a relict background, then self noises of ROT Antenna is equal zero.. or this is self noises of Antenna, and then the relict background is absent (or almost absent). In this case it has sense to return to the earlier “quantes ageing” theory which explains also the known “red shift”.

Eric Lerner

Big Bang supposedly occurred only about twenty billion years ago, nothing in the cosmos can be older than this. Yet in 1986 astronomers discovered that galaxies compose huge agglomerations a billion light-years across; such mammoth clusterings of matter must have taken a hundred billion years to form [3].

[Answering the question 'can you save the Big Bang Theory by tweaking it' outlines the problems with the approach an listing gross mistakes of the BBT. First is] too little helium.. a very basic prediction of The BBT which is that there should be a certain amount of helium produced by Fusion reactions during the Big Bang and there should be more helium and older in stars that have processed hydrogen.. but observations have shown that in nearby stars and even in planetary nebula.. where we can observe helium directly the amount of helium is only half what's predicted by the [BBT]..

What's worrying.. Big Bang cosmologists is that the very basic assumption of [the theory] is that the universe is homogeneous and isotropic modulus.. Isotropic means the same in every direction. Without those basic assumptions there would be no expanding universe there would be no BB. General relativity only predicts an expanding or contracting universe if the universe is homogeneous and isotropic which has never been observed and today with even better observations there are more and more anisotropies. When we look in different directions in the sky we get different measurements, for example of the Hubble constant, the constant that describes the relationship between redshift and distance, we get different densities of radio galaxies of X-ray galaxies of quasars. All of these are different in different directions [leading to] lopsided star maps and therefore again contradict the basic hypotheses of the BB...

[Another problem is] too little lithium; this again is the well-known lithium problem, the BB makes predictions about three light elements, helium, lithium and deuterium which is the heavy isotope of ordinary hydrogen. The lithium it gets wrong entirely.. observations of lithium are 20 times less than the predictions of the BB - a gross contradiction...

If an airline advertises that out of the last 17 flights 16 crashed and one got through would you fly on that airline? I think the answer is obvious, and the answer to the question [of tweaking BB to save it] is also obvious, with 16 wrong answers and one right answer this isn't a theory that needs to be tweaked, this is a theory that needs to be thrown away.


RP said "When you plot CMB intensity against each frequency you get Planck blackbody curve that means early universe must have had thermal equilibrium. But thermal equilibrium means by definition maximum random state... ". Wasn't the universe supposed to toward disorder, and not start from one?


[1] Journal Archives, 1999, June, Vol 2 No 2

[2] Al Jazeera Documentary

[3] Lerner, The Big Bang Never Happened
