
Codeberg Main

Week 36

Self-sustaining living on the sea can utilize this sort of farming. Some ppl even grow red cabbage, lettuce, beans, basil and strawberries - under the sea. Most of the sea is not under state control, solar power and batteries can supply energy, water is desalinated using that energy, 3D ocean farming for food. I wonder how large of a horizontal platform can be built that can withstand huge waves. Anchoring is prob. not necessary but a huge weight can balance the whole thing down? There is this ship with dimensions 124 by 382 meters, so huge that it can carry oil rigs!  This needs to be looked at - God knows what'll happen on land. We gotsta be loaded for f--ing bear... Know wha Im sayin?

Note: while we are the topic of food, 12.9% of the world population, 795 million people are undernourished - they do not have enough food to lead a healthy active life. This is stupid - we can give them Soylent drink; a person can survive on this for $155 a month, and lead a happy, active life. How bloody hard is it to get this to people who need it?

"Vertical Underwater Farming.. After my farm [an earlier NY based business] was destroyed [by Hurricane Sandy], it was clear to me that I had to adapt because I was facing a serious threat to my livelihood. I began to re-imagine my occupation and oyster farm. I began experimenting and exploring new designs and new species. I lifted my farm off the sea bottom to avoid the impact of storm surges created by hurricanes and started to grow new mixes of restorative species. Now, after 29 years of working on the oceans, I’ve remade myself as a 3D ocean farmer, growing a mix of seaweeds and shellfish for food, fuel, fertilizer, and feed.

That’s how I got to where I am today. Now let’s dive in and take a look at the farm and deconstruct why it’s designed the way it is. Imagine a vertical underwater garden with hurricane-proof anchors on the edges connected by floating horizontal ropes across the surface. From these lines kelp and Gracilaria and other kinds of seaweeds grow vertically downward next to scallops in hanging nets that look like Japanese lanterns and mussels held in suspension in mesh socks. Staked below the vertical garden are oysters in cages and then clams buried in the sea floor"

A Bird..? Or A Plane..? No Just a Boat.

That boat is literally flying.. Another video here.

"Drop That Oppo Like It’s Hot.. [Oppo is short for opposition research..] [W]hat Hillary Clinton did last night - with crucial support from her debate prep team and campaign writ large - was so important and impressive. In 95 minutes, she may have accomplished what has seemed impossible for 16 months: wrestling the conversation away from just “saying more crazy things” and anchoring it firmly back in reality.

As Jonathan Martin from the New York Times noted, she did it by coming ready for all 12 rounds of the fight, hitting Trump with “at least 19 pieces of pure oppo” during the course of the debate. A factual jab once every five minutes or so that culminated in a knockout blow as Secretary Clinton ticked off examples of how Trump talks about women and what he said about Alicia Machado. You could almost hear Team Research cheering in Brooklyn"


Any new world leader profiles?


Justin Trudeau, and Xi Jinping are High Horse. Victor Orban, Kim Jon Un, Boris Johnson are of type Control Freak. Also, a certain famous historian could be CF, still looking at that one. TBD.

My earlier hypothesis was type HH does not normally become a leader, if they do, the country is in a deep shit. I can understand China, but Canada? Maybe this time it had to do with Liberals being in deep trouble. Long-time conservative control was not good for Canada's chi. And here comes the HH.

It is much harder for Control Freaks to get the top job, and clearly in Urban, Un's case it is not working. At their best CFs relax, work on letting go of control, while always managing to keep running things well (they are almost born with the management gene). They let people around them be themselves - I've seen the weirdest characters being fine around a CF manager at their positive. Maybe not even manage anything / much, that would be positive case for them.

In the negative, they are a sad sack, and everything and everyone around them will almost conspire to make them lose control.

Un is a fan of Dennis Rodman - makes sense now?

The U.S. Justice Department proposed that Deutsche Bank pay $14 billion to settle a set of high-profile mortgage-securities probes [..]


This is a tit-for-tat response to the EU ruling on Apple, on its decision that Apple owed taxes to Ireland in $14.5 billion and needs to pay up. Even the amounts in question are comically similar.

Oddly enough the US/UK media did not see things this way. If they can't connect these two obvious dots, what are they good for?


[Paraphasing] News media should offer commentary on events more


The news media is obsessed in trying to give two sides of an issue; but on the factual side of things, not on the commentary. The problem with that approach is raw data / factual info is easy to come by, it's all over the Internet, then the viewer gets nothing by this "two-sided coverage". Quality commentary is rare, and that is precisely what is excluded from mainstream media.


Why are there so many attacks in the world?

State Arm Wrestling, or Lack of Democracy

Sometimes state actors try to give eachother messages through attacks. US bombs Assad, Russia engineers an attack in US (maybe some of the lone wolf stuff is due to them), or attack another target in Syria. Then maybe US will do something else. On and on.. This sort of tit-for-tat attack is on the rise. Too much underhanded shit is going on.. A lot of the recent events in Germany might be connected to Russia as well..

Second source of attacks is lack of democracy; Thai opposition is excluded from governance, they attack. Kurdish opposition is excluded, democracy, a sense of equality loses ground in Turkey, there will be terrorist attacks triggered by PKK. There is no point in getting into a "condemnation game", if ppl are rubbed off the wrong way for too long, something will happen. Noone wants that thing to happen, but it does. The trick is not being stupid about it, on the side of the rulers, avoiding that which causes people to be rubbed off the wrong way.


Math is hard

Not So, Compared to What It Makes Possible

I wish the education system did a better job as presenting mathematics as a tool that allows you to model, predict, and engineer things rather than an end of itself. There is no need for endless practice on how to take an integral, how to take a derivative (math as its own goal), as rote. The connection between data and the model, various ways of fitting to data must be shown. Approximation, computation at each stage must be part of curriculum. It's pointless to simply show Newton's Laws with stories of an apple falling on Newton's head - students need to drop an apple themselves, measure its fall, and fit the model to compute the gravitational constant g. How did Newton derive those equations? What did this model improve?

Math does bookkeeping for us: follow its simple rules, it keeps track of everything, it'll remember the correct signs, the relative quantity at the right precision of variables. It won't forget, it won't let it slip. It is a multiplier, a catalyst, an enabler.

A regular teacher might not be able to show these, fine. An expert researcher / educator can record them and share them online. No need for classroom teachers.

Yes, some can and do get into hairy math, but maybe that is a sign of unnecessary and / or "non-elegant" work.

At the same time, also yes, math is not for everyone.

When [famous physicist] Bethe and Feynman went up against each other in games of calculating, they competed with special pleasure. [..] Early in the project they were working together on a formula that required the square of 48. Feynman reached across his desk for the [..] calculator. Bethe said, “It’s twenty-three hundred.” Feynman started to punch the keys anyway. “You want to know exactly?” Bethe said. “It’s twenty-three hundred and four. Don’t you know how to take squares of numbers near fifty?” He explained the trick. Fifty squared is 2,500 (no thinking needed). For numbers a few more or less than 50, the approximate square is that many hundreds more or less than 2,500. Because 48 is 2 less than 50, 48 squared is 200 less than 2,500—thus 2,300. To make a final tiny correction to the precise answer, just take that difference again—2—and square it. Thus 2,304.


On TV-land and movies a smart person, scientist is portrayed as a fast, mental calculator, one on a scifi show "knew" Pi to the 50th digit for example.  But the former usually comes across as "raw computation, as if there is computer in one's head", and the latter as pure memorization.

Mathematics driven smarts has nothing to do with any of that. In the excerpt above Bethe actually used simple high-school algebra (Gleick did not include that part, or he missed it himself). It is simple quadratic equation, (x-y)^2 = x^2 - 2xy + y^2. Take x=50, and y=2, you end up (50-2)^2 meaning 48^2. That is the goal, but representing it through that simple equation, Bethe ends up with simple multiplications and additions on the right handside, such as 50^2, -4*50, or +4.  That part anyone can do in their head.

Like I said before, mathematics makes things easier. That is why scientists use it.

Scientist S. Michalakis

I help Hollywood film-makers get their science right

Who is going to help you to get your science right?

Frickin Malakifuckinananlis.. Dude told Ant-Man makers once things get really small and you’re down to the quantum realm, you don’t have space or time".  TV land also loves "the many-worlds interpretation", "there are infinite number of universes anything possible is happening there"... Someone has to make it clear to these show writers that a lot of this stuff is unsubstantiated bullshit. They are unproven theories. You can make the mathematics say anything, but will it say anything concise, and that can be proven? How many dimensions does the universe have? String Theorists are like 8,9! 15! Dude.

MWI is especially attractive to script writers: they get to use the same actors, little in-show recycling, they give one a goatee, and maybe a leather pant with a butt cut-out, so they are "bad" in this other universe, and they do all these crazy things. It's fine for the actors, they get to practice their "range". Fine. But viewers beware. 


[Lunch with physcist Carlo Rovelli] A theory called “loop quantum gravity” that Rovelli has done vital work to develop with his colleague Lee Smolin, who he describes as “my best friend and collaborator”, addresses that contradiction [between relativity and quantum mechanics]. If proven, it would represent one of the holy grails of physics.  “The theory is more or less there, it is written,” he says. “There are things we don’t understand yet, but the question is how you test it.” If it can be found to work, then Rovelli’s peers who have spent their careers working on a rival approach, string theory — about which Rovelli is respectfully dismissive — would find all their toil and sacrifice come to nothing. “It’s like playing football,” he shrugs, “either you win or you lose.”


I like this guy; he is dismissive of String Theory (Stephen Hawking loves it by the way), and is respectful of Einstein's work. I smell a quality theory here (I read Rovelli's book too, good stuff). 

machine #learning


As I said before: Israel can be a force for good in the region, it should remain there, and exist. But instead of the slow crawl occupation that is going on today, it should annex all what is known as Palestine, then give full and equal rights to all citizens. Israel then would cease to become a Jewish state.

It is unrealistic to continue to wish to be a "blah state" in today's world; it is untenable in every part of the globe. Look at Poland: a country which is 99% white, and 99% Catholic. Even Poland today is not unified, cannot claim homogeneity they used to.

Yeah some new citizens of Israel might cause trouble, attack here there etc. But Israeli public and the elites must "grin and bear it". After all, Israel took the land from the original owners, caused death, suffering, innumerable pain on these people. The least they could do is suffer a little.

"The annual $3.8 billion, more money than the U.S. gives to any other country, will fund the continuing Israeli military occupation of Palestinian lands, now in its fifth decade.

Israel exercises complete control over every aspect of Palestinian life in the West Bank, East Jerusalem and Gaza. That includes borders, airspace, ingress and egress of people and goods, and the seashore and waters off the coast of Gaza. The occupation violates fundamental human rights of the Palestinians.

Two years ago, 60 Israeli youths signed an open letter to Netanyahu announcing their refusal to serve in the Israeli military because of the dehumanization of Palestinians living under occupation. In the occupied Palestinian territories, they wrote, “human rights are violated, and acts defined under international law as war-crimes are perpetuated on a daily basis.” The signatories cited “assassinations (extrajudicial killings), the construction of settlements on occupied lands, administrative detentions, torture, collective punishment and the unequal allocation of resources such as electricity and water.”

Flavia Pansieri, former United Nations deputy high commissioner for human rights, said last year that human rights violations “fuel and shape the conflict” in the occupied Palestinian territories, adding, “[h]uman rights violations in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, are both cause and consequence of the military occupation and ongoing violence, in a bitter cyclical process with wider implications for peace and security in the region.”"

From Trevor Noah