
Codeberg Main

Week 39

That's true. Incentives, rules define outcome. Dems allowed private interests have free reign, and when these ppl do what they do, some complain. Do not "implore" ppl for the right behaviour. Want different outcomes? Change the game.


Big Pharma CEO: ‘We’re in Business of Shareholder Profit, Not Helping The Sick’"


Third senior German official resigns from ECB"

Everything H2 related is blue colored these days; I like it. It is becoming a brand thing almost, looks fly

I bet Laura goes to bed with two shotguns, and uses an ammo crate as pillow.

Haha.. that's the brother. It's funny.


'Bully commentary born of anger: Fox News host Laura Ingraham mocks 16-year-old girl with autism...'

Any apologies given by my sister are empty. I should know"



Over the next decade, fuel cell electric buses will be deployed as the zero emissions solution for the toughest transit applications in every bus type and for every climate and terrain any day of the year, says new bus road map by @CaFCP. #hydrogen"

Sceneario: establ. hits DJT with Ukraine, but that's a double-edged sword that cuts Biden too, two birds with one stone. Trigger crisis (slowdown is already a sure thing), Trump loses. Warren or someone else other than Biden wins.

I dont think "they" want Biden (guy is senile). MSM hasn't caught on yet.


.. Normally the central bank ensures there is no such spike in [overnight] rates, which is entirely within their powers. Hence we can only conclude the Fed purposely created this scare, possibly to trigger the next financial crisis. Hopefully not yet"



Trump reportedly plans to release both the whistleblower complaint and the phone call transcript, but Democrats decided to let the impeachment train out of the station before getting basic details about the conduct they're alleging is impeachable. Smart"

None of that is Deep Shit BTW.

"First, Atlas the robot backflipped. Then, it could do parkour. Now, this @BostonDynamics machine can do a gymnastic routine"




Rogue Prorogue 👍

Automatic differentiation (autograd) of numerical integral (trapz) which has elements of symbolic math (sympy) in it. Who got dat fu!

Habla Jorge

Numerical computation is a vast field, I have to remind myself that from time to time. Let's not forget computers were built to solve equations first, not to simply shuffle data around (which is what 90% of Silicon Valley does today -yes, most are not involved in computer science even, just IT-).


"The United States led more than 30 countries on Tuesday in condemning what it called China’s “horrific campaign of repression” against Muslims in the western region of Xinjiang at an event on the sidelines of the annual U.N. General Assembly" -Reuters


If you voted for Brexit because you believed that 'our' judges and 'our' parliament had somehow surrendered power to 'Brussels', you deserve a full explanation of today's events from the people who misled you. You won't get one because they hold you in complete contempt"

Tough. Saw RS on MSM the other day was laying some smackdown.


Sen. Rick Scott: Americans must stop buying Chinese products - and Congress should force online retailers to disclose the origin of the wares they sell. Force Amazon to denote items made in china so we can boycott ⁦"


'Leaving SF' is the new 'moving to SF'"

Investigate Bidens

Impeachment? This will cause more trash on Biden to come out.

As far as I know, the motherfucker's tip-top

[With higher pitched voice near the end, with little attitude, like wha?, and getting higher in volume in the finish.. Little standoffish not too terse. Okay - Im done]

This👌close to finishing the trajectory optimization. Line integrals over scalar field with poly parametrized curve restricted on both ends being optimized over can do the trick.

I know an engineer who told me before they sent their products to China for sale they would wipe serial numbers off chips with sandpaper for fear of their tech being stolen. Sandpaper.

Article says "disruption".

"Cummins' acquisition of Hydrogenics indicates the diesel market leader could own the next engine tech, too"


BJ is a Control Freak, and this is what the world around does to them when they are messing up. I feel like his pro-Brexitness has something to do with his own issues around control too. CF phsychology is that of a monk who lived in a convent all his life, then all of a sudden gets out. They controlled all their emo, lived with discipline, now they are out in a world of lots of choice. Their path is to deal with that, cant go back to convent, cant control, wont like being controlled, etc.

The problem is EU is not your fucking convent BJ. Whatever odd feels u associate with this org are unfounded.


Came to power, lost his majority live on TV, fired his hero's grandson, set the record of losing his first five votes in Parliament (breaking the previous record of four set by Boris Johnson earlier that same evening), lied to the Queen, broke the law. We're in month two."

Terry Jones' Barbarians. Highly recommended.


The UK's highest court has ruled that Boris Johnson broke the law when he advised the Queen to suspend parliament in a bombshell unanimous judgement

The court ruled that it was 'unlawful, void & of no effect'. The absolute state of this PM. He shames our country"

Libraries sympy, autograd.. killer toolz. Methinks ur better of patching together your own optimizer with autograd + scipy BFGS than relying on a complete black box with one call.

Much happens in a week!

Budget surplus - great. Dont touch the irate. I'd raise it to 4% to bust the zombies even. Slowdown is part of the cycle. I'd speed up the recovery instead of remaining in zombie-land for decades like Japan.

"Australia’s central bank chief Philip Lowe faces another year of shouldering the burden of economic stimulus as the government prioritizes a budget surplus over turning around the weakest expansion in a decade"


Gillis is pretty good actually. That ghost joke is hilarious. People dont understand, everyone gets it from comedians, including themselves.


I just watched the BBC News at Ten followed by Newsnight, in some amazement. It consisted almost entirely of the BBC presenters scoffing at Labour policies and effectively warning me over and over again not to vote Labour"

Guess what those ships will be running on 😉 💦⚡👨‍🔬💎


Apparently in Finland when you receive your PhD, they award you with a top hat and a sword.

I assume when I finish my PhD in America I will be given a Big Mac and an AR-15?"


Reuters Explainer: Why Asia's biggest economies back hydrogen EVs. I'll add: OEMs see less risk in supply chains and cheaper cost+mass per kW when you integrate fuelcell with battery; Nations see cheaper scaled out infrastructure vs extending/balancing grid"


This is shaping up to be a much less boring week than I'd imagined. Boris Johnson caught giving public money to one of his mistresses, Labour may actually be able to adopt the Brexit position that the supporters want, and the Supreme Court may be slapping down the government"

Tired: single-focus explanations on mathematical concepts. They keep talking about the line integral as "work done"; LI (over scalar fields) can be shown as area over surface under curve.

The good news is the Left finally showed up in the Democratic race. I remember Bill Bradley who challenged Al Gore "from the left" ('00 primary) - that mot..f..ka used to parrot literature written for him by Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America, a lobbying group for big pharma. This was "left" of its time.

"A late-cycle surge in ‘leveraged loans’ has echoes of financial engineering before the Lehman crisis and could lead to a cascade of fire sales if conditions suddenly tighten, the world’s top financial watchdog has warned.

[BIS] said the high-risk loans have climbed to $1.4 trillion and are increasingly being sliced and diced much like subprime mortgage debt before 2007"



Hate to rain on the popular 'economy is stronger than ever' parade, but industrial decline is well under way, and wider recession is only months away if you believe majority of corporate CFOs who are now planning spending cuts"


Once you pop you just can't stop: Former Head Of Plunge Protection Team Says Fed Has To Buy More Debt"

Please do not project your small, personalized existence to the whole of humanity. Improving on listening is your shit. The general rule: people who know something abt the issue listen to eachother. In broader soc, parliament / exec, see the grievance, debate, make law.

IaC: "We need to listen to every indiv on everything before making decisions"

20 C!

FDP Chair Christian Lindner (Germany): "The one-sided focus on battery drives ... can cost many thousands of jobs in the country"

538.. Nate Silver.. I beat his ass in 2016 - I was at a wedding talking to Californians they were like "538 saz Hill wins bla bla", I saz my mod indicates DJ has better chance. After elec they're like "daam.. that wuz good". I said "sheeee-iiit".

She used the magic word: "Israel".

"Why did Dem centrists coalesce around Warren?"

Delaware people say "water" all weird. Listen closely.. it sounds like waahtaah!.

Concidentally (!) one of the countries who will suffer most from it.


Huge crowds at the Islamabad #ClimateMarch. There is suddenly a climate movement in Pakistan. #ClimateActionNow"


Lands of Rome in constant trouble - Italy, Tiggerstan, Greece, Egypt.. the birthplaces of "civilization". Add CH to the list, because they also had "civilization" (basically agro, around which bunch of slavery, plunder, and mafia happens)

"Why Spain is having yet another election" -- Vox


Distributional Financial Accounts (FED)

Useful data on wealth distribution


"[New] study provides a new theoretical result that low interest rates encourage market concentration by raising industry leaders’ incentive to gain a strategic advantage over followers, and this effect strengthens as the interest rate approaches zero."


Sure, I know a lot of them actually.. my good friend from college, a Greek guy, is this type. Whenever he goes to a beach, he finds the nearest small hill, and does a dive from that hilltop into the sea. It's a thing he always does, now he has his kids do it with him. So this is in some ways JDINM positive; not overthinking something, just doing it.

"Can u share some Just do It Nike Man tidbits?"

More I Am CRMs? There are so many... Kamala, Stallone, Bezos, Strogatz, the scientist from IDW, Blyth, Trev Noah, the columnist from NYT what's his name, Paul "Fuckin" Krugman, Al Gore...

Taking medical advice from doctor, or legal advice form lawyer is not a form of "hierarchy". It is utilizing someone else's knowledge, like reading a book. Ideally these are automated of course, but until then, and with society broken up into such "guilds", it is what it is.


#UK #brexit

I am getting a T-shirt that says "Demystifier".


'Truck hauling Teslas catches fire on I-80. The truck’s cargo of electric vehicles was fully engulfed in flames'"


I'd believe it.


'Mr Juncker told his college of commissioners in Strasbourg on Tuesday that the Luxembourg lunch was the first time that “Boris Johnson understood the meaning of the single market'"


"Miners Find Out the Hard Way Why Cobalt Is Called the Goblin"


The $2.5 trillion reason we can’t rely on batteries to clean up the grid


Most in media are followers. They talk about things only when it's "safe" to do so.

Continental is fourth in the global auto parts market.

This is number one.

"Forget going battery electric, says Continental, the real future is in the hydrogen revolution"

Mid-cycle? Says who? US is in late cycle, not mid-cycle.


IDK who needs to hear this, but poverty-wage workers cannot budget their way to economic stability. Offering financial literacy workshops when what they need is a living wage is insulting and immoral"