
Codeberg Main

Week 41

♪♬ Bitch tiggaaa

♪♬ Bitch tigggaa

♪♬ Too eager, meager

♪♬ Bitch tigggaa

♪♬ Bruh got his AK, joins the PKK

♪♬ He watchin' can't do nuttin

♪♬ Bitch tigggaa

MathJax my friend.. that LaTeX 2 HTML thing really doesn't work well. Especially on mobile formulas come out all weird.

Nothing against the lone tuber (or beating off) - some lone tubers are good.

Much better than the lone tuber screaming his head off between bouts of beating off.

Great to have a solidly progressive and professional looking show which heavy hitters can come to as guests, with pro players #hillrising.

These tweets started to look like knowledge dumps. Whatever I can think of I dump here. I hope it's not too much.

Seeing even some Dem centrists are now alarmed by the situation.

This is what you get when gov clears the path, encourages "biz by any means" in a "preferred" country.


HOLY SHIT there are a lot of American companies doing pro-China censorship!!!"



Basketball fans are being kicked out of games for pro-Hong Kong signs IN AMERICA"

Actually Control Freak might like being controlled because that would mean they'd be losing control. I'd have BJ tied up and spanked he'd make bunch of concessions.

Watch out for the trolls. They are as active China's 50 Cent Army

This guy has a death wish.

F--head, what have you done?


It’s no longer a matter of if or when but rather how fast. Siemens 5 GW push in Australia means other players need to move as well to not get left behind. Happy Hydrogen day!"

Nope, yoghurt was not invented by the tigga as thought by some dumb nats (who also think they are "Central Asian"). It is Middle Eastern (agro, farm animals, milk leads to yoghurt -also a little sheep fucking, invading your near neighbors etc-). Greeks eat lots of yoghurt too, and call it "Greek Yoghurt".

Interesting take on China. Sounds like a static culture to which change comes to, rather than the other way around.


The wording sounds like Bernie's.

"Warren released a plan on Wednesday that would focus the resources of the federal government on 'environmental justice'"


Quinnipac, Monmouth, Economist (kinda) do say that, yes.

"Warren, a senator from Massachusetts, and Joe Biden are statistically tied for first place in polls of the Democratic presidential race, with about 26% support" -- Bloomberg

Yes the contrast is clear; in US the oil industry produced an innovator like JDR, in many other places it fueled tyrannical regimes with zero innovation like in [fill in the blanks]. Sad.

Actually that stuff, plus pipelines etc came later. JDR was primarily a refiner. He built an enourmous expertise around engineering, processing, and basically managing a tech company. He is also AFAIK the only person who made more money after retirement than before retirement because when he built the biz, oil was for heating, lamps. Then cars came to the scene, the profits of his businesses (and the value of the stocks he still held after retirement) exploded (see the bio Titan).

Fingers crossed for the next JDR in hydrogen. I hope that person becomes so successful the business eventually gets broken up!

"Rockefeller made so much money from oil drilling!"

Since it is set to replace fossil fuels I wouldnt be surprised. Oil and gas drilling alone is 2 trillion $ business.

"The unnamed person at the center of this story sure didn’t sound like a whistleblower. Our intelligence community wouldn’t wipe its ass with a real whistleblower.

Americans who’ve blown the whistle over serious offenses by the federal government either spend the rest of their lives overseas, like Edward Snowden, end up in jail, like Chelsea Manning, get arrested and ruined financially, like former NSA official Thomas Drake, have their homes raided by FBI like disabled NSA vet William Binney, or get charged with espionage like ex-CIA exposer-of-torture John Kiriakou. It’s an insult to all of these people, and the suffering they’ve weathered, to frame the ballcarrier in the Beltway’s latest partisan power contest as a whistleblower" -- Taibbi



"If Trump were president of a different country, we would bomb it" -- Maher

So ppl who trade options use a volatility assumption for their pricing, whose average (once reverse-engineered from the price) can be used as an indication of future volatility.

HEye uses implied vol (reverse engineered from options) as predictor for future vol, no? There is some good math here, Black-Scholes, reverse-engineer with little root-finding.. whazzuuuup!

And this is vol usage for bear / bull decision.


Implied Volatility on $SPY has gone from a -45% DISCOUNT (vs. 30-day realized) 1-month ago to a +36% PREMIUM this morning

That's what happens when you enter a 4th straight down week for "stocks" from their SEP @CNBC Now FOMO Futures highs"

Now that's a cop show...

I want to see more boring people, innovating quietly. Gov can lead the way, funding, de-patenting. Much of that energy is stll alive today, USG can still fund some cool stuff, and spur innovation. We only need to shut the cacerolada that is around the fake center-of-gravity, celebrity.

They could use their solar panels to store energy in their bitch batteries for emergencies, but hey, I'll take using public resources over innovating any day of the week (the battery thing probably isn't cost effective anyway).


Tesla factory unlikely to lose power even if most of Fremont does because of agreement with PG&E



Sweet irony of paper arguing that Word is superior to LaTeX: A correction notice: "This article was republished on March 30, 2015, to correct the sizing and placement of the figures." To which I say: '[!htbp]'"


[rolls eyes]

"bad math jokes


what do you call it when someone steals n dollars from your bank account, and then immediately deposits n dollars back in?

the identity theft"

So a combo of internal politics (losing local elecs) and wanting to displace Kurds near the border (cuz they are all "terrorists") are the reason for the incursion. Here's the about-face done around nationalism.

"Northeastern Syria is not a no-man’s land. A March 1 Washington Institute for Near East Policy article says, 'According to [geographer] Fabrice Balanche, around 850,000 people currently reside in the proposed 20-mile-deep zone bounded by the Euphrates River on the west and the Tigris River on the east. They include 650,000 Kurds (76%), 180,000 Sunni Arabs (21%), 10,000 Turkmens (1%), and 10,000 Christians (1%).'"



"Orlando utility to launch $9 million hydrogen system and more than double solar energy"


J. Farnes proposed negative mass could explain dark energy, but (-) mass means (-) cosmo constant say PBS ST and leads to other things that do not make sense.



Western companies who find themselves in trouble in China have a playbook: apologise profusely, try make amends, and pray.

The NBA is discovering that playbook is out of date, and they risk the wrath of their existing US base in prostrating themselves"



"The 2019 Physics Nobel Prizes were announced this morning ... I do want to point out that this announcement means .. that John Horgan has won his 2002 bet with Michio Kaku, with $2000 going to the Nature Conservancy. The winning prediction from Horgan was:

By 2020, no one will have won a Nobel Prize for work on superstring theory, membrane theory, or some other unified theory describing all the forces of nature"


The model is similar to Abramovitz model (the one I use), this paper says the success of both are equal.

Another prez prediction model from Lichtmann. "Forget the polls, forget the pundits, forget conventional political analysis".


"When campaigning for a second term in office .. Nixon announced that 'the rate of increase of inflation was decreasing', which has been noted as 'the first time a sitting president used the third derivative to advance his case for reelection'"



#PhysicsFactlet (179)

The rate of change of position is velocity.

The rate of change of velocity is acceleration.

The rate of change of acceleration is jerk.

The rate of change of jerk is jounce.

The rate of change of jounce is crackle.

The rate of change of crackle is pop.

Commeee to Butthead

This was long time in coming. Cons could not maintain their schizophrenic state any longer, made a (bad) choice, and need to pay the price. I remember well into the '14,'15, Cameron talking with both sides of mouth, one day saying I'll talk tough to EU, blah blah, next day chiding his party for "keep banging on about the EU". Who could hold two such differing views at party level? Can't chew gum and sing La Bamba at the same time...


For their electoral prospects, does Boris Johnson secretly need the Government to be 'forced' to remain in the EU? And does Jeremy Corbyn secretly need it to be 'forced' to leave with No Deal?

Some of the conduct of each is otherwise inexplicable."

Yes, an entire generation of Dems have been decimated by centrism.

"But what abt that NY mayor, a solid left guy, and at the right age?". Ideologically he is great, but he also started late. Look at his record, previous big stint was at Hillary's campaign. That's wasted time in a man's career. Instead of putting effort for selling M4A to the public, he was involved with war-room politics, being near ppl digging up sex tapes, trying how not to offend Goldman Sachs.

"But is it science? Theoretical physicists who say the multiverse exists set a dangerous precedent: science based on zero empirical evidence"


I said this before and I say it again; if shit hits the fan, everyone will gang up on the Chinese. I'd watch out if I were them.

2013 bitch!

I remembered a Chavez post of mine.

Dried yoghurt? Very cool. There is an entire subculture around drying stuff.

Imma use this for calcium.


Log-barrier method for constraints.. Some fine ass shit. Optimization ppl got some moves..


Peter Oborne: 'I have attended every single Conservative Party conference since 1992. This one is the only one where I’ve felt scared.' If Peter Oborne is scared, all of us should be"

Oh yeah... start random, one-step on autograd computed gradient over RBF hills, and we have a near optimal path.

Blue Steel baby! That season 15 is looking like it will be biblical.

That shit will kill you. See De Vany

Don't run marathons.. Some of the unhappiest people are marathon runners. Look at Hussein Bolt - that is the happiest man on the planet. Look at the marathon runner, from Bawston Marathon. He's got the shit kicked out of him, he is hating life at this moment. This is all pain no gain.

Bloody hell; I now commented on Brexit through 3 different countries that I lived at. I just remembered about something I wrote while I was sitting at a SBUX Kudamm - 2 yrs ago?


Biden's son

Pelosi's son

Romney's son

Kerry’s son

All are on the board of directors for energy companies doing business in Ukraine...




"Pelosi may soon be facing similar allegations to Joe Biden. A recent report suggested Pelosi’s son Paul may have used her position to benefit financially"


By publicly punishing the Houston Rockets, the PRC may have scored an own goal.

They’ve raised public awareness of the myriad ways the PRC effectively censors the speech of US citizens.

People didn’t really know that was happening. Now they do, and they don’t seem to like it"


This NBA-Hong Kong-China mess is fascinating. The NBA is super woke when it comes to things like made up US transgender bathroom disputes, but bent the knee to China when Daryl Morey came out in support of democracy & upset communists. Shows you how hypocritical the league is"


If we put a pencil to it and added everything in, I imagine [healthcare] is more than 20% of GDP. It’s eating the economy. The nation that implemented the Marshall Plan and built the Hoover Dam is now fixated on its UTIs"



Think China is an economic juggernaut? Not when it comes to human capital. China is way behind other "middle-income" nations on the verge of breaking into high-income status"


US CEO Confidence Survey


Norway’s massive wealth fund got the go-ahead to sell nearly $6 billion in oil and gas stocks"


"Ceres Power doubles sales for fourth year running ... Here we take a closer look at Ceres Power PLC (LON:CWR), which is commercialising a revolutionary fuel cell technology"




my $5000 oscilloscope can't connect to the network because a wifi-enabled lightbulb stole its fixed IP address.

the future is fucking stupid"

The log-oscillations of DS math are inspired by materials before breaking point, akin to when a person lifts and holds something near their max strength, before they run out of stamina and drop the object the muscles do these mini-shakes, IMO they are similar to these log-oscillations.

Sornette upped his game on bubble prediction. Now he computes a bubble score, and combines it with the valution of a stock, he creates four quadrants, bottom right for example is for stocks that are overvalued and have a bubble formed. A contrarian seller can use that signal.

This style of bubble detection is slightly more advanced than "Black Swans" which in a way simply means "shit happens". Pretty crude observation which, shockingly, was unknown to many traders.

Talked abt Didier's approach here before (link, link).

DS's observatory publishes a report every month, the graph above comes is from 2019 October PDF

Or 1 can simply buy whey protein (sold in powder form) which is fittingly extracted from the cheese making process. 1 might notice the compound tastes strangely like the meal replacement powders, like XLS. So these powders probably just use whey.


Meat has all 9 (hence our obsession with it), but these 9 aminos are not exclusive to meat. Cheese has them too.

Still to animaly? If 1 is careful, a combo of beans, almonds, berries, apple, nuts, cacao can do the trick, in nature this would be "gathering" part of hunting-gathering.

"There are 23 proteinogenic (protein building) amino acids in total ... Of the proteinogenic amino acids, 9 are essential .. Essential amino acids are not produced naturally by the body, so they have to be obtained from the foods we eat"


Great article #unicorns #galloway



Hawaii spends 3.5 billion dollars importing petroleum when they could be splitting water with wind & solar and storing it, running the grid and fueling their vehicles with #hydrogen & #fuelcells; its energy security & energy independence"



Overvalued unicorns:

— Pinterest

— Snap

— Twitter

— Peloton

— Slack

— DoorDash

— Lime

— Palantir

— Uber

— Compass

Will lose 80% or disappear:

— Tesla

— WeWork

— Robinhood

— Lyft

— OYO"


Dude where is my drone?

"Ashton Kutcher


Just sending out a morning shout to the men and woman of the intelligence community that keep us safe and protect our country. #gratitude #ty"


It’s crazy how many former spooks have been hired at corporate news outlets like CNN & MSNBC as “analysts”. After spending their careers serving the national security state, they get to shape the news under the guise of expertise. It’s like state TV


Good comment on irates. I would in fact raise it to 4% everywhere with below <2%.


Clinton admits "welfare reform" was a flock up.


Another cash program that works... evidence keeps piling up



What's the point of Mars again? It cannot be terraformed so you have to live in closed encampments, just like on the Moon. Why travel for frickin months to get the same experience? Pointless. We need to focus on planets, or "planetary bodies" that have a future.

If Mars is "done", i.e. flagpole, footprints on the ground kinda deal, I'd close that chapter, and shift the focus to Titan.


Why Canberra is jumping on board the hydrogen bus"



Current climate policies & emission pledges lead to an increase in global GHG emissions.

The world is nowhere near on track to be anywhere remotely consistent with 1.5°C or 2°C in the next 10 years..."


Another anti-endorsement?


Billionaire Home Depot co-founder Bernie Marcus: “Don’t bring up Bernie Sanders... He’s the enemy of every entrepreneur that’s every gonna be born in this country.”


"That money is trapped. This is a constant refrain whispered by corporate leaders in high places. According to well-placed finance experts, companies such as Chevron, Exxon, Sony, and BMW have billions of dollars in earnings in China. But they can’t repatriate their money. China refuses to let it leave the country, because it needs those dollars. Numerous investment community sources have told me that, as far as they know, China has not allowed the significant repatriation of any Western investor funds since 2015" -- Spalding, Stealth War

Yep - many foreign companies cannot take their money out of China in dollars, they are basically held hostage.

Playing monkey games with the law, procedure, everything with the distant hope something will come of it.. It is sad to watch #brexiters

#outdoors No need to rain-proof everything, rain-proof pants, jacket, etc. Somewhat rain-proof jacket is good-enough. For true rain protection, that'll cover everything, pancho is best. Then any kind of clothing is covered when it rains. They are foldable, fits into almost any bag once folded.

Obviously the bag needs its own rain protection.

I think my generation and younger suffer from over-scifi. Space adventuring was made too easy for us - on screen. Moon landing? Pffff. So black and white, dude. Now that I appreciate the challenges and am impressed probes were sent to so many places. Even Soviets sent more than one to Venus! A lot of them got busted up by the hostile env but they sent some data.

There are rivers on Titan made up of methane. Methane!

The gipper was consistent - he did not like big anything, including the government (the government grew of course, even during his time, but I don't think this was a dynamic anyone could fight).

Yes Reagan broke up AT&T, and there were baby bells. And apparently the break-up was their idea (to avoid worse punishment)

This vertical integration [with Western Electric] led AT&T to have almost total control over communication technology in the country, which led to the antitrust case, United States v. AT&T. The plaintiff in the court complaint asked the court to order AT&T to divest ownership of Western Electric. Feeling that it was about to lose the suit, AT&T proposed an alternative: its breakup

This is a crazy graph. After 2000, profits sky-rocketed. The entire corp profit time-series looks exponential = like a bubble.

2008 was a brief return to normalcy, but then they upped the laughing gas again.

'Tis a cock


Linde invests in UK hydrogen machine manufacturer"



Cute little grenade lobbed by Varadkar, on the possibility of the UK reversing its decision to exit the EU: 'All the polls since Mr Johnson became PM suggest that's what the British people actually want, but their political system is not able to give them that choice'"

Tosca - Work Song



Wealth Identity Politics: Billionaires Acting Like A Persecuted Minority Is Peak Capitalism

'If you go back to 1933, with different words, this is what Hitler was saying in Germany' Langone has said of the rising pushback against wealth inequality"


There was a time when CIA organized a coup in Ukraine just to f--k with Putin's mind. Now they are getting bitch trolled, or troll-propogating.

How low have they fallen.


CNN quoting sarcasm as fact... conditions normal...

'When asked about concerns that Russia might interfere in the 2020 US elections, Russian President Vladimir Putin replied: "I'll tell you a secret: Yes, we'll definitely do it," he said. "Just don't tell anyone," he added, in a stage whisper - CNN'"