
Codeberg Main

Week 42

Haha he is being carried away like a flour sack.


Full respect to @GeorgeMonbiot who has just been arrested in Trafalgar Square whilst peacefully discussing the #ClimateEmergency we are facing"


“When injustice becomes law. Resistance becomes duty.” - Thomas Jefferson ✊✊✊


The 1st #hydrogen station has been opened in Zhejiang Province, in #China ... thanks to a strong collaboration between Air Liquide and @SinopecNews. Air Liquide Houpu has designed the station and Air Liquide will provide the hydrogen to supply 25 public buses🚌 per day.

Good for you. I despise Oracle, and their closed source software.

"Migration Complete – Amazon’s Consumer Business Just Turned off its Final Oracle Database"



So, correct me if I’m wrong, but the news seems to be that Johnson may have secured a slightly worse deal than May, and in their desperation for ANY Brexit, a combination of hypocritical zealots and nervous Labour MPs may well pass it. Have I missed anything?"

Manufacturers can save 90% cost via hydrogen-powered technology



Whether Boris Johnson gets a deal or not, it does not change the simple fact that every form of Brexit is terrible for Britain"

Not a good answer...

Sinking by the minute...


This is not a joke —


“Biden, you said if you're president no one in your family will work for foreign companies. If it'll be inappropriate when you're president, why was it appropriate when you were VP?”


'Impeach Donald Trump.'"

I remember a Newsweek article yrs ago, it was about a Lindsay Lohan arrest, and the title was: "Like, Busted".

What happened to these publications. I dont seek them anymore, not sure of their fate.

Ironically their presence is also killing democracy outside China, on stateside, at their home turf.

Plus the reason they were in China to begin with was precisely because of the non-presence of democracy, making use of that cheap slave labor that could only be controlled through an autocratic state.

"Gen. Spalding (paraph) 'businessman, billionaires go to China, then tell us democracy is dead, look at China'" ...

Booker keeps opening his eyes reaaally wide. Like reaaaly wide. Dude it's too over-the-top... "Could you put more of yourself into the role?" (Isn't that what they say in Holywood?)


"Democratic presidential hopefuls denounced President Donald Trump's decision to pull U.S. troops back from northern Syria, saying in an Ohio debate he had endangered America's longtime Kurdish allies" -- Reuters


Most of the line-up slams TR.


It's sad to see many of the young generation of Dems so brainfukked by the post-80s, ultra-capitalist, ultra-globalist, Clinton agenda. Criticizing M4A..? Don't you have better things to do?


"You got the Iraq War done". Boom! 👊 💥

#demdebate #bernie

"1 percenter" attack on Warren? "Gillum will be the VP pick, no more hope for me!". "Might as well attack!"

Or endorse someone else 😉


Warren held her ground. Bernie did excellent.


Some genuine talk on UBI. Grand.


Biden is subdued, not as much fire and brimstone anymore. Some others came to his defense, but it won't matter.


Bernie is full energy. Did this man really have an heart attack?


Haha.. even CH says stop. That's funny.


China’s foreign ministry urged Turkey on Tuesday to stop military action in Syria"

There is no conspiracy - the tech is faulty. Your guy is not all that he is cracked up to be. Find better role models.


Behind the scenes, #hydrogen fuel tech is growing up fast. More than $180m is being invested in Australian hydrogen infrastructure — all part of a global movement to push this safe, zero emission fuel into the mainstream "


More codes useful for presidential campaigns - the culture code for hospital is PROCESSING PLANT - so campaigns which paint someone else's health plan more with bad experiences with hospitals can benefit. U get shoved in there, being processed.. these networks etc.. that can work.

Code 4 presidency - MOSES. POTUS is someone who leads ppl to the promised land. A good candidate needs to be seen as a man on a mission, moving somewhere and asking others to follow him.

Code US gives itself - HOPE. That's why 1992 Clinton campaign was brilliant - "I still believe in a place called 'hope'". This word might have been polluted bcz of Bama who also used it and failed at delivering it recently (as did Clinton before), but there might be other ways to reference it.

[geek]The map-reduce method of big-data is very American. First data is broken up (let loose) then the keys are aggregated at other nodes (contained)[/geek].

The main tug-of-war in US is between containing (prohibition) and allowing, letting it loose. This is at cultural brain level which is at lower -stronger- level to analytical thinking. When they conflct, culture wins.

Message discipline - I talked abt it here briefly; the Clinton 92 campaign, also W campaign, was one of the best users of this. From George Stephapapopolapopolaolpololoolous in All too Human,

But for all of our high-tech toys, the most useful item in the War Room [during the '92 campaign] was a low-tech template — a hand-lettered white board that James [Carville] stuck on a pillar in the middle of the room. It said:

Change vs. More of the Same

The economy, stupid

Don't forget health care

I thought of it as a campaign haiku — an entire election manifesto condensed to nineteen syllables. James drilled it into our heads, and every speech, every event, every attack, and every response had to reflect one of these three commandments.

Why did Hillary lose? She looks like a petite, small lady; Americans (in fact many other voters) like tall-ish, lanky politicians - i.e. Protestan looking. Stocky, butt-close-to-the-ground peasant types don't do so good. You have to look nomadic. Even subconciously ppl seek that.

In terms of general-demenaor, can't be too stiff, too brittle... U need to come across like some stuff can just slide off you, in a backslapping, guys-guy kinda way. You have to be somewhat of an oaf, bonehead - but not much. This is true even for women, maybe for them we can call it tomboy-ishness. If we are to compare women, Warren does this better than Hillary. The folksy can-opening, drinking video in the beginning of campaign is a guys-gal move. Even for women voter that is more preferable than brittle, static, Catholic-like, "the punisher" hanımağa.

It makes sense how a little touch of oaf is attractive for the die-hard followers, volunteers as well; they need to be comfortable their head won't get bit off at the slightest wrong move. So a little oaf makes better followers.

Elected Presidents are mostly like this; Trump is an oaf. Even Obama was somewhat of an oaf. Dubya 10-out-10 - in his case it bordered on dumbass, but it didn't matter. People still preferred him over Gore - the textbook definition of stiff. One Silicon Valley episode had the best joke on him, one character said Gore came across like a "narcoleptic plantation owner".


About that Chinese electric vehicle boom..."


Equinor ASA is a Norwegian multinational energy company.

Idea: news orgs can send comedians to follow political events on the ground, and report back. Someone like Dennis Miller. "How was the mood there at that Biden rally Dennis?". "I don't know John, I see a lot of people, but it's like Marlon Brando's brunch over here, he ate all the food, and these people are left to starve, walking around like zombies, the energy is very low at this event".

"The Syrian Democratic Forces officially confirm they are letting Assad's troops into their territory in a bid to stop the Turkish onslaught"

"400 yrs ago on the planet Earth workers who felt their livelihood threathened by automation flung their wooden shoes called 'sabot' into the machines to stop them. Hence the word 'sabotage'". -- Trek, The Undiscovered Country

Guy on cncbc "this is not Art of the Deal but the Art of the Divorce (referring to US-CH interaction lately)"

The face recog feature is nice, it'd be great to have it wout going full-blown 1984.

"Amazon has 10 no cashier stores in US.

Bingobox has 300 no employee stores in China"


Ooww but why is there inflation in Venezuella?

This is why.

More on Chavez, switch to authoritarianism.

Math and crime, randomness. Good stuff on terr. network analysis. I remember the show Numb3rs.


Hah.. CNN whistleblower. Nice.

Cycle more important than trade deal


Deal phase 1 any good ?


Is Ellen really trying to fight montages of her with Abu Graib pictures in the background using copyright claims? Unbelievable...


It’s hard to tell with Russians whether their daddy issues are about their actual fathers or just their country"


The United States of Blackwater."

Ah interior point methods.. they are the barrier methods after all. They are the 1984 replacement for simplex I'd heard much about even for LPs. Fascinating area.

From UK climate protests.. Fantastic.


Iconic shot..."

Direct correlation with food culture and agrarian empire in your past, obviously. With the empire gone, u enjoy the food.

I shouldn't be surprised; During another pol crisis / onslaught these ppl were discussing whether to have a gourmet scrambled egg dish "with onions or without onions". Huge discussion. This is Rome. The transition to post-empire, food-style-fashion economy (as in Italy) should have happened already, wholesale, but partly the country is stil old Rome, looking for genocide, expansion, etc. Timescale on that part needs to be sped up - or its culture removed.

Right before I viewed that vid YTube pushed a kitchen utensil video to my screen with a happy-do-gooder voice; I am like "are u f--ing kidding me". There are casualties right next door and and the adspace is like whatev.

"Trump gives his administration broad powers to put sanctions on Turkey"



Current operational picture below proves Ankara not implementing US-set war plan.



We are ending wars!

"U.S. to deploy large number of forces to Saudi Arabia" - Reuters

No you cannot understand this you second, third generation "foreign" dumbass who thinks they are still "Polish", or "Italian" even tho they are 100% American. Your thing has to do with latching onto a minority-as-ornament feeling, post Michael Jackson "represent" culture, that is as farsical as your assumed foreign identity. Go gently fuck yourself. The kids table is over there.

Believe me the last thing the world needs is these dimwits "coming back to the world scene" in the traditional sense.

Kemal tried to change this feeling, so ppl identified with the most recent state, its advance, not the loss of petty old rulers. Sadly after the TR fascist coup of 1980, combined with the "Green Belt" strategy of US all that shit came back. Most of these Pol Pot type punks you see walking around today are the products of that era.

Tigger nationalism, much like mainland Chink nationalism, rests on a general feeling of "coming back to the world scene". The "back" part is due to the agrarian genocidal past related to mafia-king-sultan who needs to project fear to keep his farm-land united, which does not exist anymore due to [insert event here]. Opium War, World War 1, whatever. These ppl held on and nursed their pain throughout the years, all the way up to now, whether justified or not. This pain somehow flied under the radar, mostly unseen. The loss is actually understandable, in case of Ottomans, the naval empires putting and end to their dominance, or from another angle, second wave beating first wave, just like the agrarian South in US losing to industrial North. But the nurse-pain-come-back-in-1st-wave-terms feeling lingers, creating unnecessary tension.

"The brain doesn't talk to the muscles, it talks to the spinal cord"

I had so much fun with Brexit and I could follow hrs of related coverage. But... I started to get tired of it. Too bad. It was my go-to popcorn politics topic. 😣

How long animals live:

🐭 1

🐸 5

🦘 6

🐔 10

🐶 13

🐯 15

🐮 20

🐍 30

🐊 50

🐘 50

🐢 100

🐋 200

Quahog 507

Immortal jelly fish ♾

"GenCell has introduced the GenCell G5 back-up power solution as a highly reliable, noise and emission-free electrochemical generator that can be safely placed indoors or outdoors, on rooftops and in urban or remote cell sites..."



Jesus Christ!

"I know what I voted for"


"Nobody knows what's going to happen"




Let's just get this shit over with and give Bezos total control of the universe right now.

'@techreview Amazon is on the brink of becoming one of America’s largest defense contractors. Here’s how it got there, and how it plans to expand into the global business of law enforcement and security'"


"The European Union imposed tariffs as high as 66.4% on steel road wheels from China"

"18,000 miles of sailing and 25 countries later, Energy Observer is moored in #London for its 47th stopover! Emotions, pride and inspiration"


"Cost of Green Hydrogen in the Gulf

To produce 1 kg of hydrogen requires 50kWh of electricity and since solar energy could cost 3 $ct/kWh in the Gulf, the energy cost to produce hydrogen is 1.5 $/kg. An electrolyser costs approximately $600,000 per MW but is projected to cost $400,000 in a few years from now. Assuming 8,000 annual full load hours, a 1MW electrolyser coupled to a solar system would produce 160,000 kg of H2 per year. Assuming a 10-year life and linear depreciation, this would add 0.25 $/kg to the cost of the hydrogen. The overall cost of green hydrogen made from sunshine and water in the Gulf could be as low as 1.75 $/kg"


Bertsekas... U've gone to the dark side my friend.. Talkin bout reinforcement learning? 👎

Dantzig was a great guy - but I don't like simplex. Interior methods beat it already - I see no reason to use it, or even, teach it.

"One good theory is worth a thousand computer runs" -- Luenberger

The funny thing is why do business in China if you cannot take your dollars out of China? That's kinda strange isn't it?


Wow, nothing to see here except @ESPN implicitly acknowledging China's claims to the South China Sea by using the "Nine-Dash Line" on a graphic today"

Daniel Tosh, on fame, work
