
Codeberg Main

Week 44


Trump is now telling British voters (who he needs to support Brexit so he can do a UK deal) that he's not after our NHS.

But he's telling his own voters (who he needs to elect him next year) he'll make our NHS pay more for medicines"

I liked the old/new mov on its own... it's no T2 but watchable. Davis is a fine lead.

Just watched the Herminator. It is basically a reboot sold as continuation, and a different movie using all parts of the old, with the same general outline. So odd.. My first thought was why not create a new storyline with new characters, and finish the T2 storyline as is? Fight with Skynet, humanity wins. The end.


Keystone pipeline spills over 350,000 gallons of oil in North Dakota"


Why Fiber is Vastly Superior to Cable and 5G


Rethinking the Role of Banks in Economics Education by Keen.

That software can generate running code BTW from the differential equations those diagrams are based on. Econs, check it out.

F--in Krugman still thinks "banks lend deposits they receive from other customers". What a douche.


Supermarkets may not make money by selling bread either (low margins, maybe), but customers would want it, and they'd buy many other things while they are in the store. I don't pay attn to these atomic, single-use explanations.

"Facebook: We have no motive around pol ads, we don't make money from them"

Twitter bans political ads. That is their prerogative.

Allowing ads and not filtering, or no ads.

I am a sucker for bios. I use them and ppl in them as filters, as examplars for a time, a concept, a certain way of living. If you have SocDyn gene you can build from there. I focus on dividing characteristics the most, the attribute that creates most contrast. Like in Jesse Ventura's bio I Ain't Got Time to Bleed,

I might have gone a lot further in Hollywood if I had been willing to move there. At one point Arnold Schwarzenegger asked me when I was going to move out there and become one of the boys. I said, “Well, what about the schools?” Arnold replied, “Don’t worry about the schools. You put your kids in private school.” That’s what stopped me. I thought, “I’m not living in a place where my kids have to go to private school.” I’m not knocking private schools, but I believe that I owe it to my kids to let them grow up in a place where private school isn’t required.

This was filed away in my head >20 yrs ago. Why? It shows a hard-core left position for someone you might not expect it from (big, brusque, media guy), it shows clear contrast with some1 from Europe (a place more left than US), who did not care, so on.

No need for anything magical as explanation.. IMO it is the law of averages. We all know the average, conciously or subconsiously, on many types of behaviours. Say risk taking, listening, controlling.. Then we see ppl who are worse than average on these things, a small fraction of the soc in large for each type, and we act accordingly, automatically pushing ppl to where they need to be.

"U say sometimes it looks as if everyone conspires to push people in their development path. How is that possible?"

Fitting. Especially thinking how Twain was in his time. Very much deserved.

"Dave Chappelle accepted the Mark Twain Prize for American Humor, considered the highest accolade in comedy"

Snowden, Permanent Record

"The NSA described XKEYSCORE, in the documents I’d later pass on to journalists, as its “widest-ranging” tool, used to search “nearly everything a user does on the Internet.” The technical specs I studied went into more detail as to how exactly this was accomplished—by “packetizing” and “sessionizing,” or cutting up the data of a user’s online sessions into manageable packets for analysis—but nothing could prepare me for seeing it in action.

It was, simply put, the closest thing to science fiction I’ve ever seen in science fact: an interface that allows you to type in pretty much anyone’s address, telephone number, or IP address, and then basically go through the recent history of their online activity. In some cases you could even play back recordings of their online sessions, so that the screen you’d be looking at was their screen, whatever was on their desktop. You could read their emails, their browser history, their search history, their social media postings, everything [..]

I didn’t type the names of the agency director or the president into XKEYSCORE, but after enough time with the system I realized I could have. Everyone’s communications were in the system—everyone’s. I was initially fearful that if I searched those in the uppermost echelons of state, I’d be caught and fired, or worse. But it was surpassingly simple to disguise a query regarding even the most prominent figure by encoding my search terms in a machine format that looked like gibberish to humans but would be perfectly understandable to XKEYSCORE"

Kenworth, Toyota Partner on Hydrogen Fuel Cell Class 8 Trucks


I wonder if Bezos will do a chameo in Silicon Valley now. He was referred to so many times #s06e01

John Witherspoon.. That was one crazy comedian. He made even Letterman go once "oh c'mon, don't say that!".


Found great code for ORBIT. In Matlab though..

Guess wut imma do next 🐍🐍🐍

Tssss. That's right. Don't tread on my lang bitch.

When do they update that Quandl data series on earnings?


“We are going to — by the end of the 2020s — bring #fuelcell powered vehicles to series production,” Roger Nielsen, CEO of @Daimler Trucks North America.


Q3 GDP YOY growth 2.0%. Slowdown..

Down.. down.. down.

2018-10-01  2.516496
2019-01-01  2.652241
2019-04-01  2.278320
2019-07-01  2.027586

Holy hell, do u have enough bikes in that motorcade butch?


Epstein thing was an op gone rogue, they thought he could be used for a certain thing but it was realized pretty quickly the effer ingratiated himself in too many places, right/left, up/down.. so he was taken out of the picture.

Local RBF approximation for trust-region based derivative free optimization. I like it.

Method is called ORBIT: Optimization by Radial Basis Function Interpolation in Trust-Regions.


I always wanted to "do" denoising. I might get my chance, through DFO (derivative-free opt).

"Multi-ethnic, multi-racial workforce" is .. okay, wording-wise.

Better emphasis should be "people who are           (some attributes noone gives a shit about) who are treated equally for maximized equal opportunities".

Ha ha... technically Warren is a boomer, Bernie is not.

"‘OK Boomer’ Marks the End of Friendly Generational Relations. Now it’s war: Gen Z has finally snapped over climate change and financial inequality"


"Today ... brings a bumper crop of the highest quality, with new examples from a few of the world’s most prominent theoretical physicists. Today’s hype neatly exemplifies the two main current genres of hype about string theory and supposed new fundamental physics. The first is the old-school genre of string theory hype we’ve now been seeing for 35 years: “string theory makes a testable prediction” (no, it doesn’t). The second is the new, post-modern variety: no actual theory, just a grandiose claim that space and time have been replaced, although it’s unclear by what" -- Voit



It is time to begin thinking about public ownership of major utilities"



I have the most exciting news! Another Life is coming back for Season 2 on @Netflix! Can’t wait to see you all back in space❤️❤️👽🚀 #AnotherLife @NXOnNetflix"

HyperSolar moves closer to building pilot plant


Late-stage capitalism... It's not just robbing ppl blind, it is now actively killing you.

In terms of technology: electrification needs to take a backseat, wire based tech needs to be abandoned. Transmission of energy should be based on renewable-gas through pipes underground.

And also, yes, this utility needs to be "municipalized".

"PG&E admits it may have ignited wildfire in California wine country; tens of thousands evacuate LA area"


"PG&E sought approval of a plan to use tax-free state bonds to pay victims of the blazes"


"Millions of Californians Lost Power Because PG&E Refused to Spend Money to Fix Its Problems"



Bangladeshi scientists plan to turn waste into eco-friendly hydrogen fuel"

Derivative free optimization has some nice tricks.. Apparently Michael J. D. Powell was the man in this area.

Wrote abt flow batteries a year ago here. Interesting tech, using cheap materials, and works well at scale. Li-On tech slapped down again, labeled as dangerous for the environment, toxic., suffering from capacity fading.


@ESS_info raises $30m in Series C. Flow batteries continue to attract interest and venture capital. Lithium-ion remains the one to beat, but if one of these firms does break through - this will provide an additional option for developers"


Europe’s fourth largest steel producer plans to be carbon neutral in 2030 by investing in #RenewableEnergy based #Electrification and #Hydrogen. #EnergyTransition"

Link, Link

(Bad guy, at the end) "Go ahead kill me"

(FW) "It's Mister to you!"

Just Watched the 1975 cowboy movie Boss Nigger, by F. Williamson, playing the sheriff (wrote and produced the movie, not bad for a ball player). First wrote abt this movie here.

How much of a slur was the N-word in the movie? The deputy (also black) locks up a man for using it in public. It was a slur, but then everyone kept using it. Sort of like now I guess.

Hyundai debuts HDC-6 NEPTUNE Concept, a hydrogen-powered Class 8 heavy duty truck


I want to believe 😇😇😇👽👽👽

E.T. existence is not unlikely. I could not disprove it easily from data.

E.T. hiding from humans actually explains the absence of contact, the so-called Fermi Paradox.

I follow Steven Greer sometimes (the UFOlogist), and about some event he'll say "the E.T. will not allow it!". This one topic was about nukes in space, apparently we tried to put nukes there, E.T. destroyed it. So they don't allow nukes in space.

Now I find myself trying to figure out the politics of E.T. What would they be for? Would they be for tax cuts? Or against tax cuts? They are not climate skeptics apparently (so says SG). I think there is more mystery here than the E.T.

If that birth is correct, it's date would be September 11, 1973. You read that correctly, 9/11. In fact Chileans call that day "our 9/11".

Dying in Chile.. wouldn't that be a gas?

It'd be better wout support for bitch BEVs but equal access is fine. We'll kick their ass on equal ground.

DJT net popularity fell to -14%. Approval 40%, disproval 54% (from 438). But this one came back from -16%.

Gallup looks bad.

The Kurdish thing might have effected things; Ukraine by itself could be defended but two two big events may be eating into his popul.




In green hydrogen there is so many low hanging fruits to get cost declines, we almost don't know where to start! says Jon Andre Lokke from @nelhydrogen at #bnefsummit. And Jon Andre Lokke says this so convincingly, he's silenced my inner skeptic"





Great. More left. Left everywhere.

We need more alternation between true left and right - instead of going between Mush #1, Mush #2, etc.. True left brings healthcare if missing, true right can deregulate if too much, it goes on.. Mush provides no selection. It's policy positions are a mush; a little bit of everything, which means nothing. Same shit policies with different faces. That is exactly how we got here.

"Argentina’s Peronists swept back into power on Sunday, ousting conservative president Mauricio Macri in an election result that shifts Latin America’s No. 3 economy firmly back toward the left after it was battered by economic crisis"

B1 bombers to Saudi Arabia? "Saudi led" war on Iran is near?

Halloween is a pagan celebration, not Christian.

So is Catholicism, a continuation of paganism, a Romanized version of Christianity.


Mitsubishi does fuel cell, or at least intends to do so in the future. Every traditional OEM, whether they admit it or not, is working on fuel cell programs. Some are more mature than others, but everybody’s doing it. Even those who only swear by BEV, seemingly"

I read Jackie Chan's autobiography, somewhere in it he says something like being proud of his China heritage.. But he is from Hong-Kong. Wonder what he thinks now, because the protestors in HK find mainland CH system as illegitimate, their old system as better. JC owes much of his fame and success to Hong-Kong. System-wise and culturally, Taiwan, HK are the free Chinese, and the mainland CH are the outsiders in this picture, seen as illegitimate.


Combustion is so last century. Electrochemical conversion is the future!"

Hah. Snowden is straight pilgrim from his mother's side, going back to the Mayflower. Very cool.

Snowden, Permanent Record

"On Constitution Day 2012, I picked up the document in earnest... I read through it in its entirety, from the Articles to the Amendments. I was surprised to be reminded that fully 50 percent of the Bill of Rights, the document’s first ten amendments, were intended to make the job of law enforcement harder. The Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Amendments were all deliberately, carefully designed to create inefficiencies and hamper the government’s ability to exercise its power and conduct surveillance...

In fact, many of the rights ... aren’t even provided for in law except by implication. They exist in that open-ended empty space created through the restriction of government power. For example, Americans only have a “right” to free speech because the government is forbidden from making any law restricting that freedom, and a “right” to a free press because the government is forbidden from making any law to abridge it. They only have a “right” to worship freely because the government is forbidden from making any law respecting an establishment of religion, and a “right” to peaceably assemble and protest because the government is forbidden from making any law that says they can’t"

Have a feeling these "followers of Otto" have been supported by Germany for a long time, owing to the WWI alliance back in the day? "Pan-Otto" ideals were supported by DE then bcz they were hoping it would destabilize the British in Asia. Hopefully this support ends. It'll lead nowhere good. There are as many Kurds as tigger in Germany, and their clashes can harm regular citizens.

Even if media, ppl influences didn't exist, same culture codes would still be transmitted. They say Americans are loud. Well it's a huge country. I bet if you calculate the distance ppl stand from eachother on average, it'd come out to be higher than, say, Hong Kong. So ppl speak louder to make themselves heard. It's physics.

Bin Laden was also "served" when time was right. He was found close to Pakistani military barracks. "Oh but that's the best place to hide, in plain sight". No it isn't. That's just movie bullshit.

Wonder if someone gave Baghdadi up to US in return for its leaving Syria so DJT could show a win, and help quell fears in media about Isis?

It looks very much like he was "served" when the time was right.

1 less terrorist is a good thing obviously.

"Senator Chuck Schumer, the top Senate Democrat, on Thursday proposed a $454 billion plan over 10 years to help shift the US away from gasoline-powered vehicles by offering cash vouchers to help Americans buy cleaner vehicles."


Bernie will "appoint an Attorney General who will prosecute the fossil fuel executives who knowingly contributed to the climate crisis" 😬 👍

US Military Could Collapse Within 20 Years Due to Climate Change, Report Commissioned By Pentagon Says....

The report was commissioned by General Mark Milley, Trump's new chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, making him the highest-ranking military officer in the country


NDGT is a good educator, an entertainer even - an "edutainer"?. Popularizing science is a good thing. Being the final authority on everything scientific ... something else.

Mike Brown, @plutokiller, of CalTech is the professor who killed Pluto BTW (hence his Twitter handle), he de-classified it from its planet status, not de Grasse Tyson.


[S]ometimes I leave things on top of my car. they don't usually stay there once I hit the freeway. though once I made it all the way to my office with a mug of coffee still on my roof. parked. drank it. morning off to a good start. today was less good"


Why Indian Oil Corporation believes hydrogen fuel cells and not lithium-ion batteries may revolutionise electric vehicles in India"


Warren team's fake ad on Facebook is tactical move, throwing red meat to centrists who are the most feverish anti-Trumpers. I dont agree with it (political ads should not be filtered), but it can be effective for Warren. This is how playing the game looks like. It's ugly.

Related: Yo Bitch

Half of Australia’s cars could run on hydrogen by 2040 --


Great article by Zizek


The thing abt Greta is she is old enough to have figured out some stuff, but she still looks somewhat childish, has that fat face, round head, etc. So it's like 'we are failing this infant'. That is the most disturbing thing abt her.


People who want no action on climate change have always attacked the messengers so they can avoid even engaging with the message"



Coca-Cola is the most polluting brand in the world"


"There is really an enormous number of problems where derivatives are unavailable but one has imperative practical reasons for wanting to do some optimization. It is almost a natural perversity that practical problems today are often complex, nonlinear, and not sufficiently explicitly defined to give reliable derivatives. Indeed, such problems were always numerous, but, 30 years ago, when nonlinear optimization techniques were relatively more naive than they are today, even the most optimistic practitioners would not try to optimize such complex problems." #introDerivativeFreeOpt


Juncker: 'I should have intervened in EU referendum...they were saying things, some of them lying...Telling the people things which have nothing to do with our day by day reality...but David Cameron asked me not to...'"

Autograd lost its shit. COBYLA it is.

Almond milk is awesome.

General Wesley Clark: Seven Countries In Five Years


Great interview #rogan #snowden


That's funny - someone created a Git repo for the US constitution and committed changes to the repo in the same order the changes were made to the USC.

It'd even be better if he set the date back to orig date.

Can I make a pull-request now? :) Imagine law being made this way.


Some bitch ass jamming right there #music


Right, Reagan endorsed W before nomination but, by the time he did, W nom was a sure thing.